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Our History

Pastor Aaron Riehl

Bible Baptist Church was started in 1992 by Aaron Riehl following God's direction through answered prayer and seeing a need for an old-fashioned, independent, Bible-believing, Bible-preaching Baptist church. That had the vision to reach the community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The church began meeting at the Bareville Firehouse The first service was on Sept. 27, 1992, and the attendance for the first service was about 35 people. In 1993 we moved the Leola War memorial building.

In 1999 the church purchased and move into the old Terry Manufacturing building where it is presently located. We are thankful for the vision and work of Pastor Riehl and how God used him to start this work.

Pastor Alan Gardner came in March of 2000 and has been our pastor for 23 years. God blessed and helped us start a bus ministry in 2002 and is still picking up children and adults for Sunday School. By God's grace, we have seen many saved and baptized. We also have nursing home ministries, youth activities, and Bus ministry, and continue to look for new ways to reach our community with the gospel. Victory Baptist School Was started in 2007 and with a fresh start in 2017. In the last few years, we also have started Vacation Bible School and live streaming our services.

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We have seen some that have been saved, baptized, graduated, gone to college, gotten married, and serve in the church today. I am now seeing their children saved, baptized, and growing in Christ! What a privilege as a preacher of the Gospel of Christ. We are thankful for the many souls that have been won and the lives that God has allowed us to touch over the years.


Our church has a vibrant missions program where we are supporting and praying for mission works around the world. We have seen God do great things for us in our personal lives as well as the building which God has allowed us to have. There are also many improvements that have been done miraculously by God providing through the giving and ministry of his people!

Take a look at our photos and listen to some of the messages but most of all come visit our services and experience the love and power of God in our church!

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